Fighting hate with The Alliance to Combat Extremism.
We partnered with the The Alliance to Combat Extremism Fund (The ACE Fund) to fight the forces of hate raging in our political system. We branded the anti-extremist org. Then we went on to create the explosive TV campaign that won them a reputation as a hard-hitting force against racism and hate.

Hate looses elections.
We also launched mobile, viral, guerrilla and direct mail campaigns. We helped them fight bigotry and hate speech and send one signal across America: racism and hate are for losers.
Demanding the inclusion of ethnic communities history in California school books.
Millions of Americans of ethnic descent deserve to be heard and not forgotten. Americans of Silkh, Asian, Jewish and Armenian descent are part of the American history. Their voices and stories need to be heard and not forgotten. The campaign supporting ethnic studies featured former world No.1 and eight-time Grand Slam champion – Andre Agassi, Dr. Sammy Lee – first Asian American to win an Olympic gold medal for the US, business owners, academics and other members of the community.