Clean, renewable energy every day. Windmar Home: Energía de la Buena.
Windmar Group has been a leading solar installer in the Caribbean, and more recently in Florida. Windmar Home needed a growth-oriented campaign that could also continue to build brand awareness for those tired of constant electricity outages from local companies.

Argentina’s production wows client with diverse talent.
We partnered with JSD Agency in Puerto Rico to create a campaign produced in Argentina, showcasing the country's diverse talent, casting, and locations. An all-Caribbean cast was the key to success. The deliverables included two 30-second broadcast spots and a dozen digital ads designed to capture lead on social media.
All we need to do is look up to the sky.
Our director Emiliano Cruz discovered the perfect actress to play Paula, delivering a convincing story of a child determined to help her struggling parents. Her nuanced performance brought the script to life.
We discovered a clean and cost-effective solution to high electrical bills that was right in front of us – or, more accurately, above us.
Director: Emiliano Cruz
Help your neighbors stay cool.
Part two of the campaign needed to rely on humor. Thanks to Emiliano’s versatile direction we were able to seamlessly connect both stories. And we had another amazing talent in child actor Cristobal who brought some awesome improv and lots of laughs to the set.
Director: Emiliano Cruz